Category: American Taxation

Americans Who Live in Israel May Deduct Charitable Contributions They Make to Israeli Charities on their American Reports

We already know that Americans receive a new tax deduction for charitable contributions that they made in 2020 up to the 300 dollar amount. This is a new law for 2020 that works … Read More..

Powerful new tax deduction for American not-for-profits serving Israel:
A reliable, quick tax deduction for good-intentioned Americans in Israel and abroad:

American not-for-profits serving Israel can act quickly to bring in a plethora of many small donations that can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars if they run a “Hanukah … Read More..

When an Israeli who has American reporting responsibilities owns a pension or an advanced study fund, those accounts have tax implications to America. They can be taxed. Clients with American social security numbers have to put those on their American reports but may not have to pay any tax if … Read More..


Far so many credits are available to children of Israelis who report to America, that it pays to report the client’s children to America with the father or mother or both parents’ American income tax report. For example, sometimes the father is an American citizen, and the mother is an … Read More..

The IRS requires those who report to the American taxing agency to have a social security number or an ITIN (individual tax identification number). This includes people who work in America or run a businesses in America, and also spouses of American citizens, and their children if they add any tax benefits … Read More..