Category: Articles General

Salient points for Israelis buying real estate in America:

Some clients may want to buy real estate in America. Here are some main points:

A person who enters America doing business such as real estate is required to put in an American report, which is either a Form 1040 if he is … Read More..

American Owners of Israeli Companies Have Specific Requirements that they should Keep. Here they are:
An American who owns a share of an Israeli company has reporting requirements depending very much on how much he owns of it and whether the company is managed by him or if it is an … Read More..

Not-for-profit Financial Statements and Financial Audit: “Friends of . . .” OrganizationsNot-for-profit organizations may be registered in America and operate here in Eretz Yisrael. Sometimes these are referred to as “Friends of . . .” organizations. Not-for-profits registered in America traditionally include Shuls, Yeshivas, Jewish outreach organizations, … Read More..

Responsibilities of clients for American reporting obligationsClients who live here in Eretz Yisrael and have American reporting responsibilities include American citizens, permanent residents who have an American resident visa or green card, and people who live in America for at least 183 days in a given year … Read More..

In America, not for profit organizations usually have tax & financial reporting responsibilities. Sometimes a Yisraeli nonprofit will open an American company to give American donors the chance to take tax deductions for their contributions to the Yisraeli entity. The 501 (c) (3) application is something Weinstein & Company can … Read More..

The IRS announced on announced on January 14 that it is prepared to start processing 2018 tax returns on Jan. 28 and that it will pay tax refunds despite the partial shutdown of the federal government. The agency has been operating under a plan that has seen 88% of the … Read More..

Despite all that’s been written about U.S. worldwide income taxation and complex informational reporting requirements, many individuals, particularly those living outside the U.S., remain noncompliant. Some individuals do not realize they are U.S.

citizens or tax residents. Some know they are U.S. citizens or residents but do not understand that … Read More..

Choosing the best business form is one of the most important preliminary decisions for a new investment or business owner doing business in the US.  There are several choices: C Corporation (C-Corp), S Corporation (S-Corp), Limited Liability Company (LLC), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or a Partnership.  There are advantages and … Read More..

For tax years beginning in 2018 and beyond, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) created a flat 21% federal income tax rate for C corporations. Under prior law, C corporations were taxed at rates as high as 35%. The TCJA also reduced individual income tax rates, which apply to … Read More..

Individuals are being treated the same as big corporations
Expatriate Americans face unexpected tax bills on their overseas business interests under repatriation rules Congress designed to persuade companies like Apple and Google to bring back to the US profits they had accumulated in lower-taxed countries.

We believe large numbers of our clients … Read More..