Category: international tax

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What Must You Know?


Far so many credits are available to children of Israelis who report to America, that it pays to report the client’s children to America with the father or mother or both parents’ American income tax report. For example, sometimes the father is an American citizen, and the mother is an … Read More..

Open Businesses and Bank Accounts in AmericaSometimes our Israeli clients wish to purchase real estate in America and open a bank account under their own name, while not opening an American corporation. If the client wants to manage the real estate under their own name in America … Read More..

Some companies need American audit. We here at Weinstein are certified and compliant with American financial audit requirements and employ licensed American CPA with accounting professionals that can perform your financial audit. Whether you operate a not-for-profit and need financial audit for your American information reporting return for companies exempt … Read More..

IntroductionThe American tax law states that American citizens and American residents who leave inheritances require an estate tax return to be filed if the amount they leave reaches over a certain threshold when they bequeath to an heir. (The exact amount of this threshold changes year to … Read More..

Today’s world is defined as a “global village,” which requires our firm to adapt to today’s global economic reality. Accordingly, our offices provide consulting services to companies and individuals, for the purpose of building payroll systems for employers from Israel who have employees travelling abroad and employees arriving to Israel. … Read More..

Some Common Mistakes Israelis Make With International ResponsibilitiesFirst of all, Israelis who are American citizens or residents must report all their income to America, even if they don’t live there. Some Israelis forget this and do not file an American tax return while they live and work … Read More..

New American Transition Tax for Israeli Corporate Owners –Surprisingly Offset by a Tax Benefit, Both a Deduction and a Credit !General Information
New American tax law is not that confusing! Our Israeli clients who are corporate owners, and also happen to be American citizens (or travel to the … Read More..

EASY APPLICATION AND RENEWAL OF ITIN NUMBERS FOR AMERICAN TAX FILERSAmerican tax returns are required for many of our Israeli clients, such as those who hold businesses in the US. When an Israeli citizen or an Israeli resident is required to file an American income tax return, … Read More..

 The Israeli Companies Law (ICL) Defines a company as a corporation formed and registered in israel